The U.S. Federal Register has recorded the new USCIS registration process which will be implemented for the FY 2021 H-1B Cap petitions.
As stated previously, Petitioners or their Authorized Legal Representatives will be required to electronically register all prospective beneficiaries through the new system (which is yet to be unveiled). Each registration will cost a $10.00 fee and the initial registration period will last from March 01, 2020 through March 20, 2020. If more than the quota requirement is met, then a lottery will be conducted to randomly select beneficiaries for whom petitions may be filed. Only those selected in the lottery will be eligible to file H-1B cap subject petitions.
The USCIS will electronically notify those selected in the Cap that they will be eligible to file within a certain notice period (anticipated to be between 60 and 90 days) from the issue date of the notice – expected to be March 31, 2020.
The Federal Register Announcement did not include additional details on what information will need to be recorded at the time of the registration. We feel that this new process will create a very low barrier to entry and will result in a hugely significant increase in initial filings – depriving many legitimate filers from having their cases chosen in the H Cap.
Please feel free to contact USILAW with any questions or issues that you may have. You may reach us via telephone at +1 (202) 618 4540 or via email at